Currency Bill: Has the War Started?

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On October 11, Washington, ignoring the China’s anger and White House warnings, the U.S. Sen ate voted 63-35 to pass the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2011, to punish China for alleged currency manipulation, under the name of winning more domestic jobs from Chinese. Many scholars and reports commented it could possible spark a trade war between China and US, the top 2 economic giants in the world. Is RMB really undervalued? Why the US dollar is devalued? Who is buying US national debts by the US dollar printed by the US nation? Can American have more jobs ever after? Has the war started? Let’s hear more voices by Special Report this issue.

真空烹饪法就是将肉、鱼、蔬菜或水果装载在一个真空袋中,用低温的温和方式进行烹饪。该烹饪法由法国人Georges Pralus和Brtmo Goussault于上世纪70年代初发明,但在最近几年才
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<正>I.Introduction This paper was inspired by the G-20&#39;s request to the IMF to help develop&#39;indicative guidelines&#39;for the reduction of global curren
日前,在乡下老家听到一种反映:反腐败斗争,中央决心大,人民呼声高,而某些地方官却是消极应付、敷衍了事。民众谓之:“两头热中间冷”。 何缘如此?细究其因,问题还是出在一些