A Proposal on the Brand Strategy of the Development of Low Carbon Industry under the Legal Perspecti

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The sustainable development of the low carbon industry is depended on the brand strategy;brand strategy is the important part of low carbon industry.The brand strategy is the important support and the security of low carbon industry;it is also the part and parcel of the development of low carbon industry.Its spiritual connotation owns intellectual property legal attributes,the brand strategy of low carbon industry is a series of activities which is to use the intellectual property law to provide the powerful legal support and legal protection when the low carbon industry setting up and developing to realize the development and the perfection of low carbon industry.Our legal system about the low carbon industry still remains lots of defects and weakness,how to use the existing legal system to develop the brand strategy of the low carbon industry is as important as making up for the shortage of the law. The sustainable development of the low carbon industry is depended on the brand strategy; brand strategy is the important part of low carbon industry. The brand strategy is the important support and the security of low carbon industry; it is also the part and parcel of the development of low carbon industry.Its spiritual connotation owns intellectual property legal attributes, the brand strategy of low carbon industry is a series of activities which is to use the intellectual property law to provide the powerful legal support and legal protection when the low carbon industry setting up and developing to realize the development and the perfection of low carbon industry.Our legal system about the low carbon industry still remains lots of defects and weakness, how to use the existing legal system to develop the brand strategy of the low carbon industry is as important as making up for the shortage of the law.
活动目标:    1 感受跳舞的人动作的优美,对人物动态创作感兴趣。  2 巩固色彩搭配的技能,提高幼儿观察、表现人物动作的能力。  3 尝试运用布料和绘画相结合的方法创造性地表现各种跳舞的人。    活动准备:    1 幼儿经验准备:有打结的经验,已观看过舞台表演。  2 教师准备:多媒体设备;水彩笔、水性笔、双面胶、各种长方形废旧布料、剪刀、彩色卡纸若干;照相机:幼儿舞曲磁带、录音机。   
我国科学家研制出一种精巧的纳米机器人。它被称为OMOM胶囊内镜系统,“腰围”仅11毫米,“身高”25.4毫米,体内装有摄像与信号传输等智能装置。 Our scientists have develop