2012年,南京博物院文物保护研究所保护修复了一批院藏纸质文物,其中有一件民国时期的革命文物,保护前兼具残缺、断裂、酸化等病害,并有继续发展恶化的趋势。采用南京博物院研制的水性纳米基复合脱酸液对其进行了脱酸保护,然后用丝网对其进行了加固处理。经保护处理后的文物强度得到有效提高,p H值处于理想范围,状态趋于稳定,可达到展陈和保管的要求。
In 2012, the Institute of Preservation of Cultural Relics at Nanjing Museum protected and restored a batch of paper-related cultural relics. Among them, there was a revolutionary relic of the Republic of China that had both the defects of incompleteness, rupture and acidification before the protection and continued to deteriorate. Adopting the water-based nanocomposite deacidification solution developed by Nanjing Museum for deacidification protection, and then using silk screen reinforcement. The strength of cultural relics after the protection and treatment has been effectively enhanced, p H value in the ideal range, the state tends to be stable, and can meet the exhibition and storage requirements.