Evaluation of real-time RT-PCR assays for detection and quantification of norovirus genogroups Ⅰ and

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Noroviruses are the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis in humans. Real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction(real-time RT-PCR) is a promising molecular method for the detection of noroviruses. In this study, the performance of three Taq Man real-time RT-PCR assays was assessed, which were one commercially available real-time RT-PCR kit(assay A:Norovirus Real Time RT-PCR kit) and two in-house real-time RT-PCR assays(assay B: Light Cycler RNA Master Hybprobe and assay C: Real Time ready RNA Virus Master). Assays A and B showed higher sensitivity than assay C for norovirus GI, while they all had the same sensitivity(103 DNA copies/m L) for GII DNA standard controls. Assay B had the highest efficiency for both genogroups.No cross-reactivity was observed among GI and GII noroviruses, rotavirus, hepatitis A virus, and poliovirus. The detection rates of these assays in GI and GII norovirus-positive fecal samples were not significantly different. However, the mean quantification cycle(Cq) value of assay B for GII was lower than assays A and C with statistical significance(P-value, 0.000). All three real-time RT-PCR assays could detect a variety of noroviruses including GI.2, GII.2, GII.3, GII.4, GII.6, GII.12, GII.17,and GII.21. This study suggests assay B as a suitable assay for the detection and quantification of noroviruses GI and GII due to good analytical sensitivity and higher performance to amplify norovirus on DNA standard controls and clinical samples. Noroviruses are the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis in humans. Real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (real-time RT-PCR) is a promising molecular method for the detection of noroviruses. In this study, the performance of three Taq Man real -time RT-PCR assays were assessed, which were one commercially available real-time RT-PCR kit (assay A: Norovirus Real Time RT-PCR kit) and two in-house real-time RT- Cycler RNA Master Hybprobe and assay C: Real Time ready RNA Virus Master). Assays A and B showed higher sensitivity than assay C for norovirus GI, while they all had the same sensitivity (103 DNA copies / ml) for GII DNA standard controls Assay B had the highest efficiency for both genogroups. No cross-reactivity was seen among GI and GII noroviruses, rotavirus, hepatitis A virus, and poliovirus. The detection rates of these assays in GI and GII norovirus-positive fecal samples were not significantly different. However, the mean quantifica tion cycle (Cq) value of assay B for GII was lower than assays A and C with statistical significance (P-value, 0.000). All three real-time RT-PCR assays could detect a variety of noroviruses including GI.2, GII .2, GII.3, GII.4, GII.6, GII.12, GII.17, and GII.21. This study suggests assay B as a suitable assay for the detection and quantification of noroviruses GI and GII due to good analytical sensitivity and higher performance to amplify norovirus on DNA standard controls and clinical samples.
解剖、生理自然牙列者叩齿和磨牙时产生的袷音作频率成分分析及识别 施崇山(1):9牙体、牙周组织的增龄性变化及临床意义 史久成等(3):186袷干扰对大鼠行为改变及其皮质酮分泌
由上海市计量测试学会电离辐射专业委员会主办 ,“宣传贯彻国家计量检定规程JJG5 89- 2 0 0 1《外照射治疗辐射源》、剂量仪校准使用及三维治疗计划系统 (TPS)研讨会”于 2 0 0 2年