坚持“四个全面”为指导 深化“依法治档”新认识——湖南省档案局(馆)党组举行中心组学习

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2015年3月16日至3月18日,省档案局(馆)党组以深入学习党的十八届四中全会《决定》、全面推进依法治档为主题,举行2015年第一次中心组(扩大)学习。局(馆)领导和副处长以上干部参加学习,党组书记、局(馆)长胡振荣主持学习会。中心组通过宣讲会议文件、举行专题辅导等方式,重点学习了党的十八届四中全会《决定》和习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神;档案法及其实施办法等档案法律法规和规章;保密法与相关保密制度规定;中纪委五次全会和省纪委七次全会精神。大家结合自己的学习、思想、工作实际,就依法治国背景下如何推进依法治档,开展 From March 16, 2015 to March 18, 2015, the provincial archives (party) party group to further study the party’s plenary session of the Fourth Plenary Session “decision” to comprehensively promote the archives according to law as the theme, held in 2015 the first center group (Expand) learning. Council (Museum) leaders and deputy director of the above cadres to participate in the study, Party Secretary, Bureau (Museum) President Hu Zhenrong presided over the study. The Central Group focused on the “Decision” of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and the important speech made by General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of speeches by lecturing on conference documents and holding special counseling; and the archival laws, regulations and rules on the archival law and its implementing measures; Law and related confidentiality rules; Fifth Plenary Session of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, the spirit of the seven plenary sessions. We combine their own learning, thinking, work reality, how to promote the administration of justice under the background of governing the country in accordance with the law
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