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  1. when
  1) 意为“当……时候”。
  Because of the heavy traffic, it was already time for lunch break she got to her office.
  A. since B. that
  C. when D. until
  2) 意为“这时”,强调突然性,常用在以下句型中:
  a. be doing ... when ...
  b. had done ... when ...
  c. be about to do ... when ... = be on the point of doing ... when ...
  Tom was about to close the window his attention was caught by a bird.
  A. when B. if
  C. and D. till
  该题正确答案为A 。
  3) 意为“在……情况下(表惊讶)”。
  Why do you want a new job when you’ve got such a good one already?
  2. while
  1) 意为“在……时候”。
  —I’m going to the post office.
  —While you’re there, can you get me some stamps?
  2) 意为“尽管,既然,虽然”。
  While there is no law stating how you may dress, not all fashions are respectable.
  3) 意为“然而”,表示对比。
  some people come here for a short break, others have decided to stay forever.
  A. Because B. If
  C. Once D. While
  4) 意为“趁着……”
  Strike the iron while it is hot.
  3. “一……就……”的多种表达方式
  1) as soon as / immediately / the moment / directly
  I’ll call you as soon as / immediately / the moment / directly I get home.
  2) on / upon sth. / doing sth.
  On finishing his studies, he began traveling in China.
  3) hardly ... when ... / ... no sooner ... than ...
  Hardly had we got to the bus stop when the bus arrived.
  No sooner had she fallen asleep than she heard a knock.
  4. 祈使句“... and / or you’ll ...”
  祈使句“... and / or you’ll ...”结构相当于由if引导的条件句。
  1) If you get up early, you’ll catch the first bus.
  = Get up early, and you’ll catch the first bus.
  2) If you don’t get up early, you’ll be late.
  = Get up early, or you’ll be late.
  3) Stick to what you think is right, you will gain a surprising ending.
  A. and B. but
  C. before D. so
  5. before, since, when在下列时间不同的状语从句句型中的使用
  1) It is / has been 时间段 since ...
  It is / has been three years since he came to our school.
  2) It was (not) 段时间 before ...
  It will (not) be 段时间 before ...   例如:
  a. I’m sorry you’ve been waiting so long, but it’ll still be some time Brian gets back.
  A. before B. since
  C. till D. after
  b. John thinks it won’t be long he is ready for his new job.
  A. when B. after
  C. before D. since
  3) It was 时间点 when ...
  It was nine o’clock when I got home.
  It was nine o’clock when I got home. (状语从句)
  It was at nine o’clock that I got home. (强调句)
  6. before引导的时间状语从句
  before引导的时间状语从句,我们通常译成“还没来得及……就……”,“ 在……之前就…….”。
  1) They decided to drive the cow away before it did more damage.
  2) The roof fell before he had time to dash into the room to save his baby.
  3) You can’t borrow books from the school library
  you get your student card.
  A. before B. if
  C. why D. when
  7. though, as, while引导的让步状语从句
  though, as, while 都可引导让步状语从句,例如:
  1) Much as I like Paris, I couldn’t live there.
  =Though I like Paris very much, I couldn’t live there.
  2) While I admit the problems are difficult, I don’t agree that I can’t solve them.
  3) Lessons can be learned to face the future, history cannot be changed.
  A. though B. as
  C. since D. unless
初一:适应初中的学习节奏、方法和方式,做好文科的积累。  小学生进入初中首先遇到的问题是不会听讲、不会记笔记,会的做不对。  小学的知识比较简单,偶而听一下就能明白,学生
假期是轻松、美好的;但每个假期过后的新学期开始,有些同学的心头总会泛起丝丝难言的苦恼——英语课上,那些学过的单词,往往似曾相识,却又张口结舌、提笔忘字;那些老师讲过的语法、句式,别人一提,好像会用,仔细再想,却只记得只言片语,一写就错……总之,英语水平下降了!在纠结郁闷的同时,他们常常疑惑不解——以前我的英语基础还不错啊,怎么一个假期之后,会有这么大的变化呢?  从英语学科角度的分析,英语是一门工
今年生日前夕,一封来自浙江大学的信飘落到我的办公桌上。我颇有些诧异,抽出信笺,上面写道:“艾老师,祝您生日快乐!您也许会觉得奇怪,在通讯如此发达的今天,一个电子邮件,一条短信抑或一条微信立马就可传递我的心意,但我还是愿意拿起笔,写上几个笨拙的字来祝福我敬爱的老师!是您让我拥有了今天的快乐!”  看着学生的来信,我陷入了沉思:教了23年语文,当了20年班主任,带过的学生将近千人,是什么让一个毕业这么
“带班,一定要在尽可能短的时间内建立起良好的班级秩序。”很多校领导这样要求班主任。在很多人的脑海中,带一个班级一定要让这个班级尽快走上正轨,让孩子们明白规矩,遵守规矩。于是,在开学初的一到两周内,班主任就会建班委,定班规……  可是,很多班级在运行了一个月之后,开始有或多或少的“事故”出现,或屡屡违纪,或学风散漫,或学无劲头……这是为什么呢?从心理学的角度分析,一套体制或者一种制度在建立之初,是没
掌握一定的词汇量是学好英语的重要前提。《新目标》要求初中生应掌握3000个英语单词和600个左右的习惯用语或固定搭配。然而,有很多同学在学习英语过程中花费了大量的精力和时间来记忆词汇,结果收效甚微,也有不少同学因记不住单词而苦恼,有的甚至半途而废,放弃了英语学习。其实,只要方法得当,记忆词汇并不难,笔者结合自身长期的教学实践,归纳以下了五种词汇记忆法,供同学们参考。  ■  英语是拼音文字,拼写和
不少老师有这样的习惯,总是无意识地用手指对学生或教具指指点点。诸如,伸出一根食指点学生回答问题,批评教育学生时指手画脚,讲课时用手敲击讲台或黑板……这些看似不经意的细微动作,却会令学生反感,严重影响师者形象与风度。教师应该怎样正确运用手势,才能既达到教育效果,又不致对学生产生负面影响?  教学从表面上看就像表演,课堂就是舞台。与传统意义上的表演不同,教师的表演不是独角戏,而是激发学生互动的多角色互
一、 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各题所给的A、 B、 C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。  A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy 1 to come and played around it every day. He climbed to the tree to
一、 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各题所给的A、 B、 C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。  Monty Robert’s father was a horse trainer. As a child, Monty often went from one farm to 1 with his father. Sometimes they did
恩师刘文新比我大5岁,我在钟祥洋梓华祠初中读书时,他是我的班主任。  我记得中考那年,恰逢大雨,山洪暴发,考点又在5公里外的大桥初中。山路难行,我左脚又有残疾,看着外面的大雨,心灰意冷,如果不能参加中考,以后就再没有读书的机会了。  这时,刘老师走过来,对我说:“有我在,背也要把你背进考场。”就这样,在路上我走一段,他和另一个大个同学背一段。刘老师虽然年纪比我们大,但身体单薄,劲儿还没我那个大个子