Differential response of root morphology to potassium deficient stress among rice genotypes varying

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University(Science B:An International Bi | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinfan413
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Disparity in the root morphology of six rice(Oryza sativa L.) genotypes varying in potassium(K) efficiency was studied with three K levels:5 mg/L(low),10 mg/L(moderate) and 40 mg/L(adequate) in hydroponic culture. Morphological parameters included root length,surface area,volume and count of lateral roots,as well as fine(diameter<0.2 mm) and thick(diameter>0.2 mm) roots. The results indicate that the root growth of all genotypes was reduced under low K,but moderate K deficiency increased the root length of the efficient genotypes. At deficient and moderate K levels,all the efficient rice genotypes developed more fine roots(diameter<0.2 mm) than the inefficient ones. Both fine root count and root surface area were found to be the best parameters to portray K stress in rice. In accordance with the root morphology,higher K concentrations were noted in shoots of the efficient genotypes when grown at moderate and deficient K levels,indicating that root morphology parameters are involved in root uptake for K and in the translocation of K up to shoots. K deficiency affected not only the root morphology,but also the root ultra-structure. The roots of high-efficient genotypes had stronger tolerance to K deficient stress for root membrane damage,and could maintain the developed root architecture to adapt to the low K growth medium. Disparity in the root morphology of six rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes varying in potassium (K) efficiency was studied with three K levels: 5 mg / L (low), 10 mg / L moderate and 40 mg / L adequate) in hydroponic culture. Morphological parameters included root length, surface area, volume and count of lateral roots, as well as fine (diameter <0.2 mm) and thick (diameter> 0.2 mm) roots. all deficient and moderate K deficiency increased the root length of the efficient genotypes. At deficient and moderate K levels, all the efficient rice genotypes developed more fine roots (diameter <0.2 mm) than the inefficient ones. Both fine root count and root surface area were found to be the best parameters to portray K stress in rice. In accordance with the root morphology, higher K concentrations were noted in shoots of the efficient genotypes when grown at moderate and deficient K levels, indicating that root morphology parameters are involved in root uptake for K and in the translocation of K up to shoots. K deficiency affected not only the root morphology, but also the root ultra-structure. The roots of high-efficient genotypes had stronger tolerance to K deficient stress for root membrane damage, and could maintain the developed root architecture to adapt to the low K growth medium.
摘 要: 近几年来,高考作文更多地提倡文体自选,在形式上给了考生更宽广自由的写作空间。受高考作文“文体自选”的影响,高中生的作文有逐渐淡化文体的趋势,甚至有部分学生文体不明,写出“四不像”的文章。针对这种情况,教师要反思,学生也要反思,作者就这一问题作了详细阐述。  關键词: 作文教学 文体特征 应对策略    作文是高考试卷中分值最大的一道题,占了语文试卷的半壁江山,对高考的总
伴随着新课程标准的颁布和实施,全国各地都迎来了新一轮的课程改革。作为一名初中语文教师,我深刻地认识到了新课程改革为初中语文教学所带来的巨大变化,也一直在不断地研读新课程标准,以新课程理念指导自己的教学工作。结合几年的教学实践,我就初中语文教学谈谈自己的看法。  一、培养积极探究习惯,发展求异思维能力。  在语文教学中,阅读者对语言意义、语言情感、语言技巧的感悟,在很大程度上取决于学生的生活经历、知
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摘 要: 学生进入中等职业学校后,无论是学习方法还是学习内容都发生了很大的变化,学生的认知水平也随着年龄的增长不断地提高,思维能力也在不断增强。根据这样的情况,作者就中职语文教师如何在新课程标准下完成使命这一问题,谈了四点心得体会。  关键词: 新课程标准 中职语文教学 心得体会    语文新课程标准的主要特点是根据知识和能力、过程和方法、情感态度和价值观三个维度来设计教材,特别
摘 要: 小学语文教学改革走到今天取得了不少成绩,但也存在不少问题。针对小学语文作业存在的问题,部分一线老师采取传统的作业模式,很少创新,这样既不利于学生的语文学习,又不利于语文教学质量的提高。作者结合教学经验,从小学语文作业的形式、层次、趣味三方面进行探索,提出了作业设计的新途径,为小学语文教学改革提供参考。  关键词: 小学语文 作业设计 实施要点    《语文课程标准》明确
作文教学一直是语文教学的重头戏,也是考试的重头戏。然而在实际作文教学中却存在一些问题。大多数学生害怕写作,面对作文题迟迟下不了手,觉得无话可说,也吃不准自己准备写的内容是否符合要求。其原因很多,我觉得主要原因是在中考、高考成绩的驱动下,急功近利的应试化作文的痕迹过于明显,作文与生活似乎脱离了关系。  语文教学与生活是息息相关的,钱梦龙先生提出的“大语文教学观”得到了许多人的认可。作文教学更是如此,
目的:观察活血通络方治疗冠心病不稳定型心绞痛的临床疗效。   方法:收集我院心内科2007年9月至2008年3月份收治入院的52例冠心病不稳定型心绞痛的确诊病例。按心绞痛分级进