一家已有百年积淀的本土日化企业为何开始全速角力电商渠道?未来一个月,某大型网络销售平台上将密集播放一段台湾艺人林熙蕾的视频,亭亭玉立的她会娇媚地告诉你,怎样做一个美丽的新娘,比如婚前该如何进行肌肤的密集护理,蜜月期和婚后又该如何保养肌肤.似乎仍沉浸在马尔代夫的那场低调“,”Shanghai Jahwa United Company Ltd. (Shanghai Jahwa),a homegrown cosmetics company going through 113 years of ups and downs,has accelerating its speed entering the e-commerce channels. Chinfie,a high-end cosmetics brand under Shanghai Jahwa,though was early established in 1989,is unable to enter most large department stores in China,which are full of counters of international cosmetics brands.Unfortunately,many other domestic cosmetics brands shared the same fate as Chinfie. It's a pity that these domestic brands with high quality cannot meet their customers. Shanghai Jahwa moved fast.It established an information technologic company last year,which is devoted to the e-commerce businesses.The company General Manager Wang Liyang said the company's goal is to provide more online chances to Jahwa's brands and complement its offline businesses. According to Wang,Chinfie's trade volume has grown by ten times since the brand was moved onto the Internet with effective online marketing strategies.Its online business has promoted the sales in the stores. But he also pointed out that such method does not suit all Jahwa brands.Every brand should make its own online strategies based on its own environment and positioning.