德国当代作家君特·格拉斯早期作品中的基督教素材之丰富引人注目。在艺术表现形式上 ,作者大量采用了戏拟、反讽和能指游戏等手法。本文认为 ,格拉斯创作中的基督教动因不仅产生于他个人的亲身体验 ,更产生于他对这一文化传统的深入研究和思考。他的目的并不在于要彻底否定基督教文化传统 ,而是要在批判的基础上确定人而不是神在现实社会中的位置以及他对于人类历史所负有的赎罪使命。
The richness of Christian material in the early works of the German contemporary writer Junte-Grasse drew attention. In the form of artistic expression, the author has adopted a large number of techniques such as dramatization, irony and can refer to the game. This article argues that the motivation of Gratia’s creation of Christianity not only resulted from his personal experience, but also from his in-depth study and reflection on this cultural tradition. His purpose is not to completely negate the Christian cultural tradition, but to determine, on the basis of criticism, the position of man rather than God in the real world and his atonement mission to human history.