东风柴油发动机厂本着服务生产、方便职工的原则,于去年7月创办自己的职工食堂。做法是: 一、麦当劳式的就餐方式。对职工实行“五个一”方式:即一人一荤一素一汤一饭。变过去窗口售饭为柜台摆出饭菜,职工可根据提供的三荤三素任选一
Dongfeng Diesel Engine Factory established its own staff canteen in July last year in line with the principles of service production and employee convenience. The approach is: First, McDonald’s style of dining. The “five ones” approach is implemented for workers: one person is a person with one vegetarian meal and one meal. Change the past window selling meals to the counter and the staff can choose one according to the provided triterpenoid