1. Guangxi Institute of Botany Huang Yuqing introduced 3734 species of medicinal plants in Guangxi and 568 species have been acquired and operated. Most of the species are used by private people and have great potential for development and utilization. The authentic medicinal herbs are Tiantian, Mangosteen, Yujin, Trichosanthus, Pueraria, honeysuckle, Ling vanilla, Curcuma, Shanna, star anise, cinnamon, Vallisneria, water Pinellia, yam and so on. Xinjiang Institute of Chinese Medicine Li Jiazhen Introduction: Xinjiang herbs original plant 2014, drug 1934 taste. There are 13 families, 35 genera and 90 species, 4 species and 6 genera of lichens, 14 species and 14 genera of 14 species of mosses, 32 species of 22 genera, 15 families of ferns, 23 species of 10 genera and 5 families of gymnosperms, and 561 genera of 116 families of angiosperms. 1755 species of medicinal plants in Xinjiang, such as snow lotus, ferulae, cistanche, red fungus, etc. are endemic to the region and are worthy of further research and development.