T&W:As the US destination is quite popular in China,what is your plan of attracting Chinese tourists?1.随着中国游客赴美国旅游的热潮,您为旧金山做了哪些能够吸引中国游客的计划?A:对于中国游客来说,旧金山同中国之间的距离越来越近了。随着赴美十年签证政策的实行,中国游客赴美旅游变得更加容易了。旧金山作为美国一个重要的交通枢纽,每天有很多直航从中国各大城市飞到旧金山国际机场,在全美各大城市中,旧金山有着最多的
1.With the upsurge of Chinese tourists traveling to the United States, what plans did you make for San Francisco to attract Chinese tourists? A: For China For tourists, the distance between San Francisco and China is getting closer. With the implementation of the ten-year visa policy for the United States, Chinese tourists have become more and more comfortable traveling to the United States. As an important transportation hub in the United States, San Francisco has a lot of direct flights every day from major cities in China to San Francisco International Airport. Among the major cities in the United States, San Francisco has the most