一 绪 言 对于鱼类的疾病也和人类或家畜的疾病一样,应当防重于治,这已经是公认的事实。但是预防鱼病时是否可以采取定期施放药物的办法?这样做对鱼病预防的效果怎样?药物对鱼体有没有毒害?对鱼的活饵料——浮游生物有没有影响?这一些问题都是在生产上急待解决的。在我国治疗寄生虫性鱼病时最常用的药物就是硫酸铜(CuSO_4)。在1958年中国科学院水生生物研究所鱼病组又发现用醋酸亚汞(HgAc)或硝酸亚汞
It is already a well-established fact that the disease of fish, like that of human beings or livestock, should be taken as a precautionary measure. However, when fish disease is prevented, can we take the method of regular drug release? How effective is this to prevent fish diseases? Is the drug poisonous to the fish? Does it have any effect on the fish’s live food-plankton? Some of these problems are Urgent to be solved in production. The most commonly used drug in our country for the treatment of parasitic fish diseases is copper sulfate (CuSO 4). In 1958, the fish disease group of Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences also found that mercury acetate (HgAc) or mercuric nitrate