实习生是否“可靠顶用”,不仅关系到学生的就业出路,也事关学校的声誉及发展。在实习过程中,学生消极的心态一定会影响实习的效果乃至就业的成功。比如: 依赖心理它是中等职业学校毕业生实习时的一种习惯心理。现在的学生大多是独生子女,从小备受家庭和学校的宠爱。这种爱和无微不至的照顾,使学生们养成了事事依赖他人的不良习惯。因此,在即将步入社会,进行人生第一次重大选择时,仍旧抱着依赖心理。尽管学校在招生时一再明确“不包分配,择优推荐,双向选择”的毕业生安置原则,但事实上,大多数同学在毕业时都在等待学校就业办公室的安排,有的学生则依赖于父母或亲友为其谋求职业。怀有这种心理的学生,对待实习的态度就是“可有可无”,如此不重视,怎能增长自己的技能。
Whether or not the intern is “reliable” depends not only on the employment path of the students but also on the school’s reputation and development. In the process of internship, students negative attitude will certainly affect the effectiveness of internship and employment success. For example: Dependence on Psychology It is a habitual psychology of secondary vocational school graduates in internship. Today’s students are mostly single children, childhood favorite family and school. This love and meticulous care enable students to develop a habit of dependence on others. Therefore, as we enter the community and make our first major choice in life, we still have a sense of dependence. Although the school repeatedly clarified the principle of placement of graduates who are not assigned, recommended or bi-directional, most of the students are waiting for the arrangement of the school employment office upon graduation. Some students rely on their parents Or relatives and friends to seek employment for them. Students with this mentality, the attitude of internship is “dispensable”, so do not pay attention, how to increase their skills.