Behavior of slender steel concrete composite columns in eccentric loading

来源 :Journal of Shanghai University(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hobbysh
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Ten slender steel reinforced cencrete (SRC) composite columns are tested under eccentric loading conditions. Effects of concrete strength, slenderness of columns and eccentricity of the axial load are studied. The load-carrying capacity is reduced with increased slenderness ratio and eccentricity. Concrete strength has no obvious influence on eccentrically loaded columns. Then, a nonlinear numerical method of pin-ended slender columns is also presented. This method is applicable for determining the material failure load or buckling failure load of a slender steel reinforced concrete composite column. In this method both material and geometric nonlinearities are taken into account. The results of numerical analysis accord well with the test results. The test results are also compared with the results predicted by ACI318-05 and the China Specifications. Effects of concrete strength, slenderness of columns and eccentricity of the axial load are studied. The load-carrying capacity is reduced with increased slenderness ratio and eccentricity. has no obvious influence on eccentrically loaded columns. Then, a nonlinear numerical method of pin-ended slender columns is also presented. This method is applicable for determining the material failure load or buckling failure load of a slender steel reinforced concrete composite column. method both material and geometric nonlinearities are taken into account. The results of numerical analysis accord well with the test results. The test results are also compared with the results predicted by ACI318-05 and the China Specifications.
编者按:有“礼”走遍天下,无“礼”寸步难行。中华民族历来崇尚礼仪,素有礼仪之邦的美誉。礼仪素质,小则属个人修养,影响事业和人生成败:大则属社会公德,影响国家形象。“本期关注”聚焦孩子的礼仪教育,以期有更多的家庭和幼儿园重视礼仪教育,从小培养孩子知规范、懂礼貌的文明行为和良好素质,从而使他们终身受益。  奶奶从农村老家来看孙子小明。多日不见,孙子长大了,长高了,懂事了。他一口一个“奶奶”亲昵地叫着,
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