A variety of conditions and constraints determine the efficiency of resource allocation in the real world is bound to deviate from classical microeconomics complete competition equilibrium model on the efficiency of the deduction logic. The conflict between the trend of short-term marginal cost pricing and the long-term compensation of fixed costs determines the instability of the perfectly competitive equilibrium structure. The “product competitiveness cycle hypothesis” to some extent, falsified the traditional theory of market structure evolution. Oligopoly structures have the balance of oligopoly monopoly and oligopoly competition. The latter, as a result of natural evolution of market structure, can improve organizational performance and industry efficiency and achieve market stability. Therefore, it is beneficial for industries to concentrate on the natural evolution based on market behavior. Market competition from the monopoly will not patronize social justice issues. The study of the relationship between market structure, organizational efficiency and economic stability has important practical significance both for the theoretical innovation of industrial organization and the formulation of industrial policy.