资费下调,牵动着所有 ISP、ICP 那本已脆弱的神经。没有政策的优惠,使ISP 们在夹缝中挣扎;网民数目的多少又决定着 ICP 们的前途。他们该如何寻求自己的发展之路?他们的困境又在哪里?ISP 日子更难过世纪互联副总经理张俊:应该说现在上网费用调为4元/小时,对用户来说,还处在价格敏感区,因此价格下调还会对用户产生影响。但对 ISP 来说却是另一番景象。相对于上半年用户上网费的下降幅度,ISP 租用电信资源的费用没有产生相应的下降,这就
Lower fees, affecting all ISP, ICP that has been weak nerves. No policy concessions, so that ISPs are struggled in the cracks; the number of Internet users in turn determines the future of ICP. How do they seek their own development path? Where is their predicament? ISP days harder Century Internet Jun Zhang, Deputy General Manager: It should be said that now the Internet costs transferred to 4 yuan / hour, the user is still in the price Sensitive area, so the price cut will have an impact on users. But for ISP it is another story. Relative to the first half of the decline in Internet user fees, ISP leased telecommunications resources, the cost did not produce a corresponding decline, which