在毛主席的无产阶级革命路线指引下,我们科研小组狠批林彪一类所鼓吹的唯心主义的“天才论”与“先验论”,以辩证唯物主义为指导思想,几年来,进行了大豆早熟、高产、优质的培育试验。我们想:向日葵是油料作物,结实部位高,茎秆粗壮,抗逆性强,那么能不能通过大豆与向日葵嫁接,使大豆变成一个高产、耐寒、优质的品种呢?“真理的标准只能是社会的实践”。因此,我们从1971年以来,用大豆作接穗、向日葵作砧木,进行了嫁接试验,成活率由20%提高到60%,取得了初步成果。具体做法是:4月1日—5日用方格播种法将向日葵籽播入温床;4月25日将“黑河三号”大豆播入温床。5月初,当向日葵长到2—4片真叶、大豆子叶刚露头时[图1(1)〕,即进行殊接。首先将豆苗拔出来切去根部,切去向日葵的生长点〔图1 (2)]。再用“保安”刀片把豆苗茎端削成凿状(约7—9毫米长),用削成与
Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s proletarian revolutionary line, our scientific research team has been making every effort to criticize “idealism” and “transcendentalism” advocated by Lin Biao and using the dialectical materialism as its guiding ideology. In recent years, High yield, high quality cultivation test. We think sunflower is an oilseed crop with high sturdy stems and strong stalks and strong resistance, so can we grafting soybeans and sunflowers to make soybeans a high-yielding, cold-tolerant and high-quality variety? “The standard of truth can only be Is a social practice. ” Therefore, since 1971, we used soybean as the scion and sunflower as the rootstock, and we conducted the grafting experiment. The survival rate increased from 20% to 60%, and preliminary results have been achieved. The specific approach is: April 1 to 5 with the grid sowing sunflower seeds broadcast into the hotbed; April 25 will be “Heihe 3” soybean broadcast into the hotbed. In early May, when the sunflower grows to 2-4 true leaves, the soybean cotyledons just emerge [Fig. 1 (1)], that is, special connection. First, remove the bean sprouts and remove the root of the sunflower growth point [Figure 1 (2)]. Then use the “security” blade to cut the stem end of the pea seed into a chisel (about 7-9 mm long)