AIM To investigate the pathogenic effect ofSEB and D-GalN on liver and the protection ofcyclosporin A, the relationship between hepaticapoptosis and necrosis and the possiblemechanism of acute hepatic necrosis.METHODS After staphylococcal enterotoxin B(SEB ) mixed with D--galactosamine (D-GaiN )were injected intraperitoneally into Balb/c miceand those previously treated with cyclosporin A,blood samples were collected and livers wereisolated at 2, 6, 12 and 24 h. Patterns othepatocellular death were studiedmorphologically and biochemically, circulatingcytokines (TNF-a, IFN--y ) and mice mortalitywithin 24h was assessed.RESU’LTS The SEB could induce the typicalapoptotic changes of hepatocytes, the D-GaiNcould induce hepatocytes apoptosis anddegeneration at the same time, and the micehaving received the SEB + D-GaiN injectionsdeveloped apoptosis at 2 and 6 h, but after 12 hhepatocytes were characterized by severein jury, whereas all the examinations in thecyclosporin A treated mice were normal.CONCLUSION Hepatic cell apoptosis might berelated to necrosis, and massive hepatocyteapoptosis is likely the initiating step of acutehepatic necrosis in mice. The effects induced bySEB and D--GaiN on hepatocytes might bemediated by T cells, and could be prevented bycyclosporin A.
AIM To investigate the pathogenic effect ofSEB and D-GalN on liver and the protection ofcyclosporin A, the relationship between hepaticapoptosis and necrosis and the possible mechanism of acute hepatic necrosis. METHODS After staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) mixed with D-galactosamine (D- GaiN) were injected intraperitoneally into Balb / c mice and those previously treated with cyclosporin A, blood samples were collected and livers wereisolated at 2, 6, 12 and 24 h. Patterns othepatocellular death were studiedmorphologically and biochemically, circulatingcytokines (TNF- -y) and mice mortality with in 24h 24h was assessed. RESU’LTS The SEB could induce the typicalapoptotic changes of hepatocytes, the D-GaiNcould induce hepatocytes apoptosis anddegeneration at the same time, and the micehaving received the SEB + D-GaiN injectionsdeveloped apoptosis at 2 and 6 h, but after 12 hhepatocytes were characterized by severein jury, but all the examinations in thecyclosporin A treated mice were n ormal.CONCLUSION Hepatic cell apoptosis might berelated to necrosis, and massive hepatocyte apoptosis is likely the initiating step of acute hepatic necrosis in mice. The effects induced by SEB and D - GaiN on hepatocytes might be beatediated by T cells, and could be prevented by cyclosporin A.