“西门子电气传动有限公司已经是西门子在中国最重要的生产基地之一,它的发展正是西门子中国过去2 0年发展历程中最生动的缩影。”西门子大中华区首席执行官、西门子(中国)有限公司总裁兼首席执行官赫尔曼(Lothar Herrmann)在西门子电气传动有限公司(SEDL)成立20周年之际表示。成立于1995年初的S E D L历经20年的发展,其产值由最初的2 0 0 0万元人民币增加至20多亿元人民币,增长达百倍;员工人数由1 400
“Siemens Electrical Transmission Co., Ltd. is already one of the most important production bases of Siemens in China and its development is the most vivid microcosm of Siemens China’s development in the past 20 years.” "Siemens Greater China CEO, Siemens (China) Co., Ltd. President and CEO Hermann (Lothar Herrmann) said on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Siemens Electrical Transmission Co., Ltd. (SEDL). After 20 years of development, S E D L was established in early 1995 and its output has increased by 100 times from the initial amount of 20 million yuan to over 2 billion yuan. The number of employees has increased from 1,400