3月底,我到郊区采访,有位村党支部书记对我说:“有合适的项目给我们介绍介绍,我们村缺少资金,但土地有的是,不俩钱儿就可以占,占个百八十亩的没问题。”我问道:“你没看报纸吗?今年3月4日八届全国人大第五次会议修订了《中华人民共和国刑法》,新刑法第342条规定:‘违反土地管理法规,非法占用耕地改作他用,数量较大,造成耕地大量毁坏的,处五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役’呢!” 他一愣:“有这样的法吗?”接着又满不在乎地说:“听那个呢!咱是为集体,为发展经济,又不是个人贪污受贿!以前乱占耕地的多了,你看见谁‘进去’啦!” 隔一天,我到另一个村采访,那个村的党支部书记也是这套话。我真为这样的村党支部书记担心,新修订的刑法从今年10月1日就开始实行,可我们的村党支部书
At the end of March, I went to the suburbs to interview and a village party branch secretary said to me: “There are suitable projects to introduce and introduce to us. Our village lacks funds. However, there are some land that can not be accounted for by two children, ”I asked:“ Did not you read the newspaper? March 4 this year, the Fifth Session of the Eighth National People’s Congress revised the ”Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China,“ the new Criminal Code, Article 342 states: ’ Violation of land management regulations, the illegal occupation of arable land for other purposes, a larger number, resulting in a large number of farmland destroyed, imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention ’! ”He surprised a moment: “ There is such a law? ”Then “I heard that! We are for the collective, for the development of economy, not personal corruption bribe! Before occupying arable land more, you see who ’went in’ it!” Every other day, I went to another An interview in the village, the village party branch secretary is this set of words. I am really worried about such a party secretary of the village party. The newly revised criminal law came into force on October 1 this year. However, our village party branch book