小心“后院起火” 越来越多的安全技术把网络的远程存取安全作为共同的发展方向,因此,相关的防火墙、入侵检测 身证认证等技术迅速发展。但是,在这种网络安全产品蓬勃发展的背后仍然隐患重重,当IT专家聚焦在网络传递的安全方面时,却往往“后院起火“——很多数据,尤其涉及机密的数据并不通过广域网泄漏,而是在办公室内部丢失。据公安部统计,目前涉及的数据泄密犯罪事件中有70%的案件来自于内部人员。
Careful “backyard fire” More and more security technology to the network as a common remote access security development, therefore, related firewalls, intrusion detection certification and other technologies rapid development. However, behind this vigorous development of cybersecurity products, there are still many hidden dangers. IT experts often “backyard fire” when they focus on the security aspects of network delivery - many data, especially the ones that involve confidential data, do not leak through the WAN. It’s lost inside the office. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Public Security, 70% of the cases of data leakage crimes currently involved are from insiders.