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明代史学,前期虽然比较微弱,但嘉隆以后的史学,尤其是私史的撰写,却达到了一个鼎盛时期。朱国祯的《史概》是其中一部在体例上有所创新,且史料价值亦比较高的明史著作。但几百年以来,《史概》一书却一直以善本书籍,沉睡于各大图书馆内,没有引起学者的足够重视,这是很遗憾的。为此,本文着重谈以下三个问题,即朱国祯的生平与著作、《史概》成书过程与背景、《史概》之体例。1 朱国祯,字文宁,号平涵,又号虬庵居士,明乌程(今浙江吴兴南)南浔镇人。生于嘉靖三十七年(1558),卒于崇祯五年(1623),先世为陕西泾阳人,北宋末以从征方腊,始徙居南浔。朱家并不富裕,祖父朱经时,尚“且贾且耕,困于赋役”;父亲朱守愚时,家财略有所增,有田一百六十四亩,因而朱国祯常以“农家子”自居。朱国祯的父亲和叔叔都是老秀才,因而,尽管朱国祯襁褓中时便多病,仍“遍择名师教之”。遗憾的是少年时代的朱国祯并不喜欢读枯燥乏味的举子书籍。史称六岁至九岁,《中庸》和《论语》只学了一半,《春秋》亦仅强记而已。因而,十二岁应童子试,落选。但朱氏对史书却有特殊的爱好。 Historiography in the Ming Dynasty, although relatively weak, but after the history of Jialong, especially the compilation of private history, has reached a heyday. The history of Zhu Guozhen is one of the Ming works which has some innovation in the system and the historical value is also relatively high. However, for several hundred years, it is a great pity that the book “History” has been kept in rare books in libraries and failed to attract enough attention from scholars. To this end, this article focuses on the following three issues, namely, the life and writings of Zhu Guozhen, “history” into the book process and background, “history” of the system. 1 Zhu Guozhen, the word Wenning, No. Ping Han, also number Habitat Um, Ming Wu Cheng (now Zhejiang Wuxing South) Nanxun people. Born in Jiajing thirty-seven years (1558), died in Chongzhen five years (1623), the ancestor of Shaanxi Jingyang people, the Northern Song Dynasty from the requisitioned wax, began to migrate to Nanxun. Zhu family is not rich, his grandfather Zhu Jingshi, still “and Jia and Geng, trapped in the corvee”; father Zhu Shouyu, his family slightly increased, a field of 164 acres, so often Zhu Guozhen “peasant” itself. Zhu’s father and uncle are old scholar, therefore, despite the sickness of Zhu Guozhen in his midst, he still “taught his teacher over and over.” Unfortunately, Zhu Guizhen, a teenager, did not like to read dull books. The history of six to nine years old, “the Golden Mean” and “The Analects” learned only half, “Spring and Autumn” is only strong remember only. Thus, a boy should be tried and dropped at the age of twelve. However, Zhu Shih history books have a special hobby.
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