60年前,红军长征在四川道孚创建了“苏维埃”工农红色政权组织,播下了革命的种子。从此揭开了道孚老区军民鱼水情的历史序幕。 今天,生活并不富裕的道孚人民用高原人特有的纯朴和痴情,谱写着一曲曲动人的拥军新歌,而驻道孚的部队官兵也用热血和真情铸就了一座座不朽的爱民丰碑。1992年被命名为甘孜州“双拥先进县”,1993年和1997年分别被命名为四川省“双拥模范县”。 上篇:视军队为长城,把军人当亲人 领导亲自抓,用表率作用带动军政、军民团结是道孚县双拥工作的一大特色。县长许春秀、县委书记姜文康对
Sixty years ago, the Long March of the Red Army established the “Soviet” worker-peasant red political organization in Daofu, Sichuan, and sowed the seeds of revolution. Since then, the historical relics of the military and civilian water conditions in the old district of Daofu were opened. Today, the people of Daofu, who are not well-to-do life, use the innocence and infatuation unique to the plateau people to compose a moving new song of the Yongsan army. However, the officers and soldiers of the Daofu line have also cast their immortal monument of love and honor with their passion and truth . In 1992, it was named “Shuang-Yong Advanced County” in Ganzi Prefecture and “Shuang-Yong Exemplary County” in Sichuan Province in 1993 and 1997, respectively. Part one: Considering the army as the Great Wall and the military leaders when their relatives and leaders personally arrest, military governance and military solidarity are driven by the example of role models, which is a major feature of the double support work in Dofu County. Xu Chunxiu, county party secretary Jiang Wenkang right