通常,荔枝产量与花量之间未见相关。这是因为早花过多,特别是早期着果,而导致成花到果实成熟期间的落花落果。有可能是雌、雄花比率低、缺少授粉昆虫、授粉不良、花粉生活力低以及花粉管生长受阻,均会减少着果率,而果实发育不良会降低果实的最终生长量。 有关基因型与环境因素(温度、土壤水分、相对湿度和矿质营养)对花、果的生长和脱落的影响,需要进行详细的研究。提高着果率的生产技术有:品种选择、开花和果实早期生长期间控制氮肥(以减少营养生长),以及保持植株的水分状况(灌溉、人工喷雾和设置风障)。
Normally, there is no correlation between litchi production and flowering. This is because the early flowering, especially the early fruit, which led to flower ripening fruit downfall. It is possible that the ratio of female to male flowers is low, pollinating insects are lacking, pollination is poor, pollen viability is low, and pollen tube growth is impaired, both decrease the fruit setting rate, whereas fruit hypoplasia decreases the final fruit growth. The effects of genotype and environmental factors (temperature, soil moisture, relative humidity and mineral nutrition) on flower and fruit growth and shedding need to be studied in detail. Production techniques to increase the fruit rate include selection of varieties, control of nitrogen fertilizers during flowering and early fruit growth (to reduce vegetative growth), and maintenance of plant water status (irrigation, artificial spraying and wind barriers).