许多发达国家的课堂教学是完全开放式的以讨论为主的模式 ,而我们国家多年来是封闭式的以教师讲析为主的模式。可否把继承我国优秀传统与借鉴国外的经验结合起来 ,通过改革 ,创造出适合我国新时代国情的语文教学模式呢 ?带着这一设想 ,我在自己的语文教学中作了许多大胆的尝试
The classroom teaching in many developed countries is a completely open, discussion-based model, and our country has for many years been a closed teacher-led model. Can we combine the inheritance of China’s outstanding traditions with the experience of foreign countries, and through reforms, create a language teaching model that suits China’s national conditions in the new era? With this idea, I have made many bold attempts in my own Chinese teaching.