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1932年1月28日,日军悍然袭击我闸北等地,以驻军十九路军为主的上海军民奋起抵抗。“一二八抗战”不仅上海军民全力以赴,而且激发了全国各界民众的抗日热情,各地军民用不同的形式予以声援,爱国商人也积极投入。总部设在上海的中华全国商会联合会,以主席林康侯和六位常委的名义,于同年2月9日向全国各地商会发出“快邮代电”。代电中除指出日本的狼子野心和强调十九路军抗日的意义外,重点号召全国商人以下列行动声援“一二八抗战”:“……我商人份属国民,匹夫有责,弦高、卜式古有良模。相应通电各商会查照,即希切实属行下列二事:(一)筹募救国捐:(甲)助饷费,以辅助政府军费之不足,得以长期抵抗;(乙)慰恤金,以犒劳生还者之功绩及抚恤死难者之家属。以上两项可汇汇本会转交。(二)组织宣传处,以口头及文字宣传日本残忍狠毒行为,使家喻户晓,共赴国难。我中华民族之存亡、国家之安危在此一举。务祈克日进行,并将办理情形随时报告,实为至要。” On January 28, 1932, the Japanese troops brazenly attacked the Zhabei and other places and the military and civilians in Shanghai, chiefly based on the Nineteenth Route Army, rose to resist. The “January 28 War of Resistance” not only gave full scope to the military and civilian personnel in Shanghai, but also aroused the people’s enthusiasm for resistance to Japan in all walks of life. Various military and civilian regions all over the country have given solidarity in different forms and patriotic businessmen have also actively involved themselves. Headquartered in Shanghai, the All-China Federation of Chamber of Commerce, on behalf of Chairman Lin Kanghou and six members of the Standing Committee, issued a “fast-forwarding proxy” to the chambers of commerce across the country on February 9 of the same year. In addition to pointing out Japan’s wolf ambition and emphasizing the significance of the 19th Route Army in resisting Japan, the generation electricity generation emphatically called for all the merchants in the country to show solidarity with the “January 28th Anti-Japanese War” through the following actions: "... My businesspeople are all nationals, The corresponding electrified chambers of commerce of the People’s Republic of China examined and verified that Xi actually carried out the following two things: (1) To raise funds for donations to help raise funds (A) to help govern the shortage of government military expenditures for long-term resistance; ) Parents’ Medal in Repaid Mortality to Expend the Survivor and the Family Members of the Expenses Victims. The above two items can be remitted to the Society for transmission. (2) The Propaganda Office is organized to propagandize verbally and verbally the cruel and cruel conduct of Japan so that it can make its name a household name The survival of the Chinese nation, the safety of the country, is one of them, and it is absolutely necessary to carry out the case and report the case at any time.
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