河邨文一郎是日本享有国际盛誉的整形医学博士和现代诗人,1917年生于北海道小樽市,大学时代开始文学活动。1937年日本发动侵华战争时,他师从著名反战诗人金子光晴(1895~1975),陆续发表反战诗歌。1938年8月,曾被日本特务警察逮捕,禁止参加校外活动,但他的诗心不泯,继续以隐晦手法发表反战诗作。这里发表的几首反战诗就是那个时代的作品,从中似可以听到一个日本正直青年对不义战争的控诉之声。 战后,河邨文一郎出版《天地交欢》、《山巅之火》、《河邨文一郎诗集》等诗集多部,并多次获奖。现在虽年事已高,他仍朝气蓬勃地活跃于日本诗坛,是日本诗界特别是北海道文化界广受尊崇的长者之一。1993年8月,诗人故乡小樽市各界,为了表彰这位文化名人,在景点水天宫前建有他的诗碑一座。
Kawamura Kawamura is an orthopedic doctor and a modern poet with an international reputation in Japan. Born in Otaru, Hokkaido in 1917, he began his literary career in the university. When Japan launched the war of aggression against China in 1937, he studied anti-war poetry successively with the famous anti-war poet Kim Ki-moon (1895-1975). In August 1938, he was arrested by a Japanese spy policeman and banned from participating in extracurricular activities. However, his poetry was not interrupted by the poignant tactics of publishing anti-Russian poems. The few anti-war poems published here are the works of that era, from which we can hear the voice of a Japanese honest youth accused of injustice. After the war, Ichiro Kawamura published many poems such as “World Huanhuan”, “The Fire of the Peak” and “Poem of Kawamura Kiriyama” and won numerous awards. Although he is still an incumbent, he is still active in the Japanese poetry circle. He is one of the most respected elders in Japanese poetry circles, especially in Hokkaido’s cultural circles. August 1993, the hometown of Otaru poet in all walks of life, in recognition of the cultural celebrities, in front of attractions Temple of Heaven built his poetic monument.