为研究南宁近郊国有七坡林场杉木[Cunninghamia lanceolata(Lamb.)Hook.]不同立地下胸径与树高关系,采用标准地法对杉木的胸径树高进行调查分析。结果表明:土壤容重值<0.95g/cm~3立地下杉木胸径树高拟合曲线为S形曲线:Y=e~2.818-(5.664/X),土壤容重值≥0.95g/cm~3立地下杉木胸径树高拟合曲线为幂函数曲线:Y=1.969*X~(0.626);总体精度极高,对于杉木边缘产区的经营管理具有重要意义。
In order to study the relationship between DBH and tree height of Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook. In the state-owned Qibao Forest Farm in the suburbs of Nanning, the DBH of the Chinese fir was investigated by standard method. The results showed that the tree height fitting curve of soil bulk density <0.95g / cm ~ 3 was S-curve: Y = e ~ 2.818- (5.664 / X), soil bulk density ≥ 0.95g / cm ~ 3 The fitting curve of DBH height under the fir tree was a power function curve: Y = 1.969 * X ~ (0.626). The overall accuracy was extremely high, which was of great significance to the management of the fringe area in China.