1993年7月7日,在兰州军区召开的发动民兵参加经济建设现场经验交流会上,和田军分区司令员胡必忠从兰州军区司令员刘精松中将手中接过一面“发动民兵参加经济建设先进单位”的锦旗。 这面旗帜凝聚了和田地区7个县人武部干部和广大民兵的多少心血和汗水啊! 出路何在 新疆和田,地处世界第二大沙漠——塔克拉玛干大沙漠南缘,居古“丝绸之路”南道之要津,它历史悠久,曾是新疆最早被人类开发的地区。这里气候温和,宜农宜牧,早在唐代就以“城傍花木似洛阳”而称誉华夏,兼之举世无双的
On July 7, 1993, at an exchange meeting on the site of economic construction conducted by the militiamen in Lanzhou Military Region, Hu Beizhong, Commander of the Wada Military Division, took over from the hands of Lieutenant-General Liu Jingsong, the commander of the Lanzhou Military Region, “the mobilization of militiamen in advanced units for economic construction ”Banner of the pennant. This flag brings together the countless cadres and vast militias of the seven counties in the Hetian area, with much effort and sweat! Where is the outlet Hetian, Xinjiang, located in the world’s second largest desert - the southern edge of Taklamakan Desert, ancient “Silk Road” southbound to Tianjin, it has a long history, was the earliest in Xinjiang developed by humans. Here a mild climate, should be suitable for farmers, animal husbandry, as early as the Tang Dynasty to “City like flowers and trees like Luoyang,” while the reputation of China, and the unique