连续铸管是铸管生产中的新技术。 清华大学与某工业部合作,进行了连续铸造球墨铸铁管的试验研究工作。 本文介绍了连续铸管基本原理、所用设备及试验所采用的工艺参数。对常见的缺陷如冷隔、气孔、裂纹等的产生原因及其消除方法进行了一定的分析,对目前影响铸管质量尤其是大直径铸管质量的主要缺陷之一——内溝就试验中所观察到的现象提出了我们的看法。文中列举了对连续铸管性能全面检验的部分结果。最后,对结晶器的工作情况作了简要的分析。
Continuous casting is a new technology in the production of castings. Tsinghua University and a Ministry of Industry cooperation, conducted a continuous casting ductile iron pipe experimental research. This article describes the basic principles of continuous casting, equipment used and the test process parameters used. Some common defects such as cold septum, pores, cracks and other causes and their elimination methods were analyzed. At present, one of the main defects that affect the quality of the cast pipe, especially the large diameter cast pipe, The observed phenomena raise our view. The article lists some of the results of a comprehensive examination of the performance of continuous casting pipe. Finally, the work of the mold made a brief analysis.