扎实推进知识创新工程试点工作 全面提升研究所的综合创新能力——中科院长春应化所知识创新工程巡礼

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迎着新世纪第一春的灿烂朝阳,中科院长春应化所昂首跨入知识创新工程试点的序列。两年多来,应化所在以王利祥所长为首的领导班子带领下,解放思想,实事求是,与时俱进,开拓创新,推动了全所各项事业不断取得了新的进展,迈出了新的步伐。2003年5月,该所在“全国五一劳动奖状”上自豪地写上了自己的名字。应化所实施知识创新工程试点工作的两年多,是不断践行“三个代表”重要思想,认真贯彻新时期办院方针,坚持把发展作为兴所强所第一要务,不断创新前进的两年多;是高起点、深层次,大力度进行建所以来涉及面最广、最为深刻的目标凝 Facing the brilliant sun of the first spring of the new century, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, plunged into the sequence of pilots of knowledge innovation projects. Over the past two years, under the leadership of a leading group headed by Director Wang Li-xiang, emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advancing with the times, pioneering and innovating, and constantly pushing for new progress in various undertakings throughout the institute, pace of. In May 2003, the company proudly wrote its name in the “National May 1st Labor Certificate of Merit.” The two years of pilot work on knowledge innovation projects should be constantly practiced and the important thinking of the 'Three Represents,' conscientiously implement the principle of running the state in the new period, and take development as a top priority and keep innovating More than two years of progress; it is the most extensive and profound goal that has to be tackled from a high starting point, deep level, and great efforts
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