山东省建委于5月20日以鲁建办函[1998]14号文转发了滕州市建委、档案局《印发(关于突击收集归档城建档案资料的实施方案)的通知》,全文如下: 各市地建委: 目前,全省各市城建档案普遍存在进馆渠道不畅、档案接收困难的问题,有的城建档案馆馆藏太少,不利于为城市规划、建设、管理提供服务。现将滕州市建委、
Shandong Provincial Construction Commission on May 20 Lu Jian Ban letter [1998] No. 14 text transmitted Tengzhou City Construction Commission, Archives “issued (on the surprise collection and filing of urban construction archives data implementation plan),” the full text is as follows: the municipalities Construction Committee: At present, the urban construction archives in all cities of the province are generally experiencing the problem of poor access to the entrance hall and file reception difficulties. Some urban construction archives have too few collections and are not conducive to providing services for urban planning, construction and management. Now Tengzhou City Construction Committee,