近年来,在改革开放的大潮中,舆论 监督对端正党风、匡正时弊、严肃法纪、反腐倡廉方面发挥了重大作用。尤其是在依法治国的今天,让新闻舆论监督法制化,更有着深远的意认。众所周知,改革开放以来,我国新闻媒体发生的新闻官司越来越多。面对新闻官司的挑战,如何保障和规范新闻舆论监督并使之法制化,已成为势在必行之事。本文就此谈一点粗浅的看法。
In recent years, during the tide of reform and opening up, public opinion supervision has played a significant role in rectifying the party conduct, rectifying the current shortcomings, serious laws and regulations, and fighting corruption and building a clean government. Especially in the current rule of law, the legalization of news public opinion has far-reaching significance. As we all know, since the reform and opening up, there have been more and more news cases in our news media. In the face of the challenge of the news lawsuit, how to protect and standardize the supervision of the news media and make it legal has become an imperative. This article on this point a little superficial view.