Decades ago, American scholars raised concerns about the health risks of genetically modified crops. The medical community subsequently came up with a series of results and ruled out the harmful theory of genetically modified crops. But until now, this original “coffin” is still being questioned. Recently, Fang Zhouzi and CCTV talk about genetically modified microblogging set off a popular argument, a variety of food safety problems at the same time stabbing the nerves of the people. In early November, Zhangye City, Gansu Province, genetically modified “ban”; after the French carcinogen test mice, Cui Yongyuan went to the United States to investigate genetically modified, gold and rice experiment irregularities and academicians called for genetically modified industrialization and so on, all this more and more people “can not read it”. A series of events once again made “GMO ” a hot topic.