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“军转民”的长虹电子集团公司靠“事事先想一步,招招先行一步”的“先”字决,在市场竞争中成为中国彩电行业的“龙头”。从1985年到1996年的10年间,长虹电视机产量增长了15倍,销售收入增长42倍,净资产增长190倍,实现利润增长99倍,企业每年各项经济指标的增长率平均在50%以上。长虹在80年代中期自动“断奶”,不找政府找市场,较早实现了“军转民”的体制转换,靠自己组装松下彩电的24万美元劳务费和松下技术,在报废的厂房起步生产彩电,跨出进入市场的第一步。“军转民”之初,长虹就把开拓市场摆在企业工作头等重要位置,由总经理倪润峰亲自抓,他创造出一个“倪氏二五三单元工作法”:一年中,50%时间抓经营管理,指导销售,50%时间抓经营管理,指导生产;一天中,上午4小时与各部门共商发展大计,下午4小时与商家洽谈业务,晚上4小时研读各种信息。除此而外,每个副总经理一年有一半的时间在外跑市场;中层以上干部轮换到全国各销售网点站柜台;新进的大学生,先安排到销售部门工作。根据企业地处内陆的特点,长虹成功地制定出“先四川而后全国”的根据地营销策略,争得了中国彩电市场1/3的份额。 Changhong Electronics Group Co., Ltd. from “Army to People” became the “leader” of China’s color TV industry in the market competition by relying on the “first” character of “one step in advance, one step ahead of strokes”. From 1985 to 1996, 10 years of Changhong TV production increased 15 times, sales revenue increased 42 times, 190 times the net asset growth, profit growth of 99 times, the annual growth rate of various economic indicators in an average of 50% the above. Changhong automatically “weaned” in the mid-1980s and did not look for the government to find a market. Earlier the system transformation of “military to civilian” was realized. By relying on its own assembly of 240,000 US dollars of labor service fees and Matsushita Technologies for Panasonic Color TV, Changhong started to produce color TV sets in scrapped factories , Take the first step into the market. At the beginning of the military-to-civilian transition, Changhong put the pioneering market in an important first-class place in the work of the enterprise. From the general manager Ni Runfeng himself, he created a “Ni’s 2553 unit working method”: 50% of the time in a year Grasping management, guiding sales, 50% of the time grasping management, guide the production; one day, 4 hours in the morning with all departments to discuss the development plan, 4 hours afternoon to discuss business and 4 hours at night to study all kinds of information. In addition, each deputy general manager half a year running outside the market; cadres at the middle and above the rotation to the sales counters throughout the country; new college students, first arranged to the sales department work. According to the characteristics of enterprises located in the interior, Changhong successfully developed a “first in Sichuan and then the country” base marketing strategy, won the Chinese TV market share of 1/3.
本文首先结合工程地质条件分析研究了某矿山井架倾斜的原因 ,结合现场实际施工条件 ,介绍了采用桩径小、承载力高、施工简便、质量可靠的壁后注浆式微型钢管混凝土桩成功控制
小玉住在山村一个插着木篱笆的院子里。她从小就喜欢天上的流云,翱翔的小鸟,飞舞的雪花,飘扬的柳絮……是的,她喜欢一切轻盈的东西,就是能飞到高高的空中去的东西。  插着木篱笆的院子里住着老外婆,走路不太利索的妈妈,还有小猫元宝、小狗福气、芦花鸡肥妞。  老外婆总是坐在摇椅里,腿上盖着厚厚的旧毯子。妈妈走路时,如果步子快一点儿,右脚就会刺疼。院子里除了芦花鸡肥妞能飞到矮枣树上,小猫元宝能蹿到屋檐上,没有
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编者按:读者们一定还记得本刊2014年第12期刊登的一篇名为《亚军也不凡》的文章吧?没错,文中的主人公,辽宁省实验学校的鲁容伯在国内大赛中机智沉着冷静,一举夺得全国亚军,并获邀参加于2014年12月在新西兰举办的国际比赛。他去新西兰参赛了吗?如果去了,又将有什么故事发生?噢,鲁容伯来了,他要给我们讲述一篇新故事。  飞机穿过云层,开始下降了。我看到了浩瀚的大海和苍翠的陆地,这里已经远离家园,哦,新
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一、选题(一)2005年沈阳市(课改实验区)中考阅读题。阅读下面选文,完成16 ̄21题。(20分)月光饼琦君①月光饼也许是我故乡特有的一种月饼。每到中秋,家家户户及商店,都用红丝带