按照英国战后对城市发展的传统解释,城市规划是城市发展的决定因素。因此,城市规划者应该对种种失败负责。例如:毫无人情味的居住区,高层住宅,以及内城区的衰退等等。本文的目的就是要说明规划的权力范围和权力的行使是与上面这种传统的解释很不一致的。实际上,城市发展的决定因素是市场力在起作用,且这种作用几乎不受限制。 首先,我们将分析城市规划者的权力和这些权力是如何使用的;然后通过详细地分析两个实例——高层住宅的建设和伦敦就业岗位的下降——来论证我们的观点;城市规划与市场作用力相比,城市规划对城市发展的影响是很小的。
According to the traditional interpretation of urban development in post-war England, urban planning is a decisive factor in urban development. Therefore, urban planners should be responsible for all kinds of failures. For example: the impersonal residential area, high-rise housing, and the recession of the inner city. The purpose of this paper is to show that the scope of power of planning and the exercise of power are inconsistent with the traditional explanation above. In fact, the decisive factor in urban development is that market forces are at work, and this role is almost unlimited. First, we will analyze the powers of city planners and how these powers are used; then we will demonstrate our point of view through detailed analysis of two examples - the construction of high-rise residential buildings and the decline of London’s jobs; urban planning and markets. Compared with the force, the impact of urban planning on urban development is very small.