法国INTERTECHNIQUE公司是欧州主要的核子仪器厂家之一,短短的十几年里,在能谱分析器方面,继BM-96、DIDAC-C、TRIDAC-C、PLURIMAT、IN-90之后,目前生产了IN-96、IN-110两种第五代信号分析器。上海拖拉机汽车研究所已进口了一台IN-110实时信号分析仪。现将该系统作一简介: IN-110是一种可以在各种领域中作为信号分析的自动化工具。其操作方便、使用灵活、适应性强、实
France INTERTECHNIQUE company is one of the major European nuclear equipment manufacturers, just a dozen years, the spectrum analyzer, following the BM-96, DIDAC-C, TRIDAC-C, PLURIMAT, IN-90, the current production IN-96, IN-110 two kinds of the fifth generation of signal analyzer. Shanghai Tractor Automobile Institute has imported a real-time signal analyzer IN-110. The system is now an introduction: IN-110 is an automated tool that can be used for signal analysis in a variety of fields. Its easy to operate, flexible, adaptable, real