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(一)北宋结束了五代十国的分裂局面。建立了统一的政权、客观上为社会经济的恢复和发展创造了有利条件。特别是由于商业繁荣和发达的对外贸易,促使城市生活发生了重大变化。在城市规划方面,宋以前城市内部的“坊”(居民区)和市(商业区)有明显区别,宋则取消封闭的坊墙,里坊制度明存实亡,并取消了集中的市场,形成住宅和商业混合的街道。随着人们对现实生活要求的提高,建筑造型艺术的成熟,建筑材料生产的发展,手工技术的明显提高,促使了建筑风格趋于纤巧秀丽,绚烂而富于变化,出现了各种复杂形式的楼台殿阁。并在装修、装饰和色彩方面增加了建筑的艺术效果。上 (A) The Northern Song Dynasty ended the split of the Five Dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms. The establishment of a unified regime objectively created favorable conditions for the resumption and development of social economy. In particular, significant changes have taken place in urban life due to commercial prosperity and well-developed foreign trade. In terms of urban planning, there was a clear difference between the “Square” (residential area) and the city (commercial area) within the city before the Song Dynasty, while the Song canceled the closed square wall, and the Li-Fang system was eliminated and the centralized market was canceled to form Residential and commercial mixed streets. With the improvement of people’s demands for real life, the maturity of architectural modeling art, the development of building materials production and the obvious improvement of handmade techniques have prompted the architectural style to become delicate and beautiful, gorgeous and full of changes, with various complicated forms Lou Tai Temple. And in the decoration, decoration and color increases the artistic effect of the building. on
热情发言:“这节阅读课真棒!”湖南省衡阳市蒸湘区立新小学三(1)班的同学一起欢呼。这一天,刘丽君老师和同学们一起走进王一梅的童话世界。  《书本里的蚂蚁》这个故事非常有趣!我喜欢那只冒冒失失跑到书本里的小蚂蚁,也喜欢那些会走来走去的字。没有这些调皮的字,哪来好看的故事呢?  ——蔡旻芝    那只孤独的狮子——卡卡给我留下深刻的印象。狮子卡卡得到了魔法师咕里咕的帮助,和白猫以及长角鹿成了好朋友。他
长期以来,在高考语文复习中,对课本的复习一直被许多教师和学生视为鸡肋。除了一些字词,许多学生拿着课本有些茫然。有些干脆放弃课本,在题海中苦渡。这让许多教师感到困惑。由此想到,既然如此,何必要在高一、高二用如此长的时间去学习教材?学生学习了三年语文,提起课本,学生知识片段的记忆,大多数时候还是“跟着感觉走”。曾听到过一位考上大学的学生说“千万别听语文老师的”。这不能不说是语文教师心底的痛。  目前,