It’s a Question of Homework

来源 :语数外学习·八年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xsfantasy
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  Schools in the USA and China are different in many ways, especially when it comes to “homework”.
  In America, different state has different academic system(学制), “five-three-four”is common. American schools are not difficult from kindergarten to the end of high school. Elementary schools are from the end of kindergarten to the 5th grade. Middle schools are from the 6th to the 8th grade. High schools are from grade 9 to 12.
  American kids can feel relaxed in the lower grades. There isn’t much homework, and most of it can be finished at school. After school, we have activities like a kung fu class.
  When we move on to college, schooling becomes stressful. I have a friend going into college this fall, he had to achieve a lot, just to get into college, in college he’ll have to do much more “homework” to get good grades.
  I heard that things in China are almost the opposite. I met some kids when my family traveled to China last summer. They have much more homework than we do. They said that Chinese schools are hard in elementary, middle and especially high schools. But colleges in China demand (要求) somewhat less homework.
  According to what they said, Chinese grade schools appear to be harsher (更严厉) and more strict ,while American colleges are harder and more demanding. So, I guess it’s better to go to grade schools in the USA and colleges in China!
   1. Which of the following is right?
   A. From kindergarten to college ,there are 9 grades.
   B. There are 6 grades in both American and Chinese middle schools.
   C. The courses before college in America are not difficult.
   D. The main difference between American and Chinese schools is different grades.
  2. Which of the following idea about American schools is wrong?
   A. College students have little homework.
   B. Elementary students have little homework.
   C. There is much homework in college.
   D. American kids can have a lot of relaxed time in the lower grades.
  3. The meaning of “I heard that things in China are almost the opposite” is _______.
   A. Chinese college students have a lot of homework
   B. Chinese college students have less homework than American college students
   C. Chinese college students have less homework than Chinese kids
   D. Chinese kids have more homework than American kids
  4. What is the main topic of this passage?
  A. Through homework , the writer wanted to tell the difference between Chinese and American school.
  B. The writer thought American colleges are good while Chinese grade schools are good.
  C. The difference between American middle school and Chinese middle school.
   D. Chinese schools’ homework is more than American schools’.
  Key: 1. C2. A3. C4. A
【课堂一隅】  “同学们演唱得真棒!那谁愿意单独演唱一遍呢?”  沉默。  开始还抬起的头低了下去。  偷偷看老师的眼睛,是不是在看他,就怕老师喊到他……  【反思】  面对这样的音乐课堂,唯有一声叹息。  很多时候,孩子们表现出来的不是热情、参与,而是冷淡、拒绝。  这是什么原因呢?细想,不外乎以下几个方面:  首先,学生对音乐基础知识的缺乏,导致学生对老师所提的一些问题确实不知该如何回答。其次
沪科版七年级数学教材的代数部分涉及数、式、方程和不等式,这些内容与小学的算术数、简易方程、算术应用题等知识有关,但相比较起来,内容更为丰富、抽象,学生学习起来感到很费力。因此,教师应注意中学数学与小学数学的衔接。   一、关于“数的扩充”问题的衔接   从小学的算术数(非负有理数)扩充到全体有理数是一大转折,对学生头脑中“数的概念”产生了较大的冲击,影响了学生在小学建起
教育家叶圣陶先生说过:“语文教学成功与否,是要看学生最终能否离开教师自己读书、作文,掌握语文这一工具学科。”我想,作为老师的我们应该将打开文化宝库的钥匙交给学生,让学生做“春耕”的主人,从“学会”转变为“会学”。先哲说过:“吾生也有涯,而知也无涯 。”说的是人的生命是有限的,而知识是无穷的。不管一个人在学生时代如何勤奋,他也不可能把所有的知识全部学到手。踏入社会后,新的知识更是层出不穷。因此,为了
neither的意思是“(两者)都不……”,与 both互为反义词,可作限定词、副词、代词和连词。具体用法如下:  1. neither作限定词时,后跟单数名词,在句中作主语时谓语动词用单数。例如:  Neither book is interesting.   两本书都没意思。  2. neither作副词,意思是“也不”,用来引起一个主谓倒装句,即主语放在助动词、情态动词之后。例如:  She
how在八年级教材中频繁出现,它的基本涵义是“怎样” 。现将其用法归纳如下:  [焦点一] how用于询问动作执行的方式、手段等,译为“怎样” 。例如:  —How do you usually go to school?   —By bike.   ——你通常怎样去上学?  ——骑自行车。  —How does your father go to work?   —On foot.   ——你父
前苏联画家波洛丹诺夫·别列斯基,曾画了一幅名为《口算》的油画,画中有一块黑板,黑板上写有一道心算题目“ = ?”,一群学生围着黑板正在冥思苦想.  怎样才能很快地心算出它的结果呢?  初步观察发现分母是365,且300<102+ 112+ 122<400,那么102+ 112 + 122和365之间有怎样的关系呢?102 + 112 + 122 = 100 + 121 + 144 = 365,真是
根据反比例函数的意义可知,两个变量与的乘积是一个常数(≠0).如图1,设P(,)是反比例函数 =图象上的任意一点,过P作轴、轴的垂线,垂足为A、B,则△OPA(或△OPB)的面积 = OA·PA = || =||,即矩形PAOB的面积等于||.   由此,我们得出系数的几何意义:过双曲线上任意一点P(,)分别作轴、轴的垂线,两垂线与坐标轴所围成的矩形面积为||.灵活运用此性质可以帮助我们快速简捷地
A little boy and his father are walking in the mountains.   有一个小男孩跟他的父亲走在山中。   Suddenly, the boy falls, hurts himself and screams: “AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!”  突然小男孩跌倒了,忍不住痛得大叫了一声:“哇……喔!!!”  To his surprise,