不是为了好看吸引女球迷,秃头的他像一只亚平宁山谷中的秃鹰,眼放凶光。 他偏爱自己这个光光的头。 他们也偏爱他那个光光的头。 因为,光头的他不买任何人的帐。 因为,光了头以后,他更是硬汉一条,浑身是胆,浑身是球。 大概他只想让自己越来越像脚下的足球。 光头大侠告诉你:烦恼吗?剪掉它,讨厌吗?剪掉它。 人争一口气,佛争一炉香。 乍看维亚利的长相: 顶上是光得寸草不生的“亚平宁沙漠”,浑圆得像个暗绿色的大松花蛋,面目方正,粗眉大眼,比赛之时,咬牙切齿,恨不得把足球和对手都吞到肚里去。
Not for good-looking attractive female fans, bald like a bald eagle in the Apennines Valley, eyes fierce. He preferred his own light head. They also favor his bright head. Because bald, he does not buy anyone’s account. Because, after a light head, he is a tough guy, covered with courage, covered with a ball. Probably he just wanted to make himself more and more like foot football. Bald heroes tell you: troubles? Cut it, hate it? Cut it. People fight for breath, the fight between the Buddha incense. At first glance Vialli’s looks: the top is the light of the Apennine desert, rounded like a big dark green egg, face Founder, thick eyebrows, the game, gritting teeth, wait for the football and opponents Go swallowed.