通过运用多关节等速测力系统对我国速度滑冰和短道速度滑冰男子运动员膝关节肌力进行测试和分析.针对运动员力量上的特征,分析两个项目运动员力量能力是否存在差异和不足,是否在训练上可以互相借鉴,对项目本身做进一步的认识和探究.结论:1)在最大力量指标上,短道运动员的肌力特征更加符合项目需求,而大道运动员在低速度区能力较强,在高速度区表现不足,应加强高速下最大力量的训练.2)在屈伸肌群力矩比指标上,短道和大道运动员在各速度下的指标都低于专家的推荐值,特别是短道运动员的比值较差,两组运动员应加强屈肌群的训练,保持关节的平衡和协调.3)在爆发力指标上,大道运动员除左腿伸肌群外,在其他所有速度下的指标都要高于短道运动员,并存在显著性差异;大道运动员左腿伸肌群指标明显低于右腿,应加强练习保持两侧同名肌群的平衡,短道运动员需要加强左右腿各速度下的爆发力训练.“,”The knee muscle strength of excellent male skating athletes is measured and analyzed by Cybex Norm isokinetic testing system.Based on the features of athletes' muscles strength,the study wants to find the differences and drawbacks between long track and short track speed skating athletes and to make the further discussion on event law and to learn from each other in training.The main conclusions are as follows: 1) The torque/BW features of the short track athletes are more fit the law of skating event,and the features of long track athletes do good in low speed,but opposite in high speed.The long track skaters need to improve the strength in high speed;2) The flexor-extensor radios of both long and short track are lower than the recommended values,and the values of short track are worse than long track's.The two groups need to improve the strength of flexor muscles and to keep balance and coordinate of knees;3) The power values of long track skaters are higher than short track skater's,except left extensor muscles.The left extensor muscles of long track skaters are lower than their right ones,and should improve the balance of both legs.The short track skaters need to improve the powers of left and right knees in all speeds.