创作根艺佳品的选材标准有哪些呢? ●木质良好:就是要求根的质地要坚韧细腻、光滑透亮、耐寒抗热,制成的作品不变形、不开裂、不腐蛀,具有保存价值。笔者见过一些至今保存完好的明清时期的根艺作品,所用材料,无不是质地良好的树根、树桩或树兜。根艺是“化腐朽为神奇”的艺术,若真用“腐朽”之根作材料,其结果必定前功尽弃。●形态奇特:就是指自生或环境所造成的根的形态的严重畸变。如盘根错节、曲折凹凸、奇疤怪瘤、裂变空洞等。罗丹说过:“自然中
What is the selection criteria for creating root art products? ● Good wood quality: The texture of the root is required to be tough and delicate, smooth and translucent, cold and heat resistant, and the work made is not deformed, cracked, non-decayed and has the preserving value. I have seen some of the root art works that have been preserved in the Ming and Qing dynasties so far. All the materials used are good roots, stumps or tree trunks. The root art is the art of “turning the decaying into the magic”. If the root of “decadent” is really used as the material, the result will surely come to naught. ● strange form: refers to the self or habitats caused by the root shape of the serious distortion. Such as the root of the knot, twists and turns, odd scar strange tumor, fission cavity. Rodin said: "In Nature