
来源 :国外医学.外科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:elrshay
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直肠癌术后局部复发是常见的临床问题,过去报道的发生率为10~34%。本文通过对1008例直肠癌术后复发情况分析,指出了某些与复发有关的因素。对高危险复发患者,术后辅以放疗和化疗可能会延长患者生命。1008例患者均为作者亲自治疗,随访率99%,其中934例作为分析资料。癌瘤位于直肠上1/3(距肛缘11~18cm)者305例,中1/3(6~11cm)429例,下1/3(距肛缘小于6cm 者)为249例,其余15例未归类。手术方式包括姑息性和根治性两种。切除标本经病理检查,在两侧肠缘均未发现癌细胞。直肠上1/3、中1/3和下1/3三组患者,通过术后病 Local recurrence after rectal cancer is a common clinical problem, and the reported incidence was 10 to 34%. This article analyzed the recurrence of 1008 cases of rectal cancer and pointed out some of the factors related to recurrence. In patients with high risk of relapse, postoperative radiotherapy and chemotherapy may prolong patient life. 1008 patients were treated by the authors themselves. The follow-up rate was 99%, of which 934 were used as analysis data. Cancer was located in 1/3 of the rectum (11 to 18 cm from the anal margin) in 305 cases, in the middle 1/3 (6 to 11 cm) of 429 cases, in the lower 1/3 (less than 6 cm from the anal verge) in 249 cases, and the remaining 15 cases. Cases are not classified. Surgical methods include palliative and curative. Resection specimens were pathologically examined and no cancerous cells were found on both sides of the intestine. Three patients in the upper 1/3, mid 1/3, and lower 1/3 of the rectum undergo postoperative disease
三香四喜圆子是我老家过年必备的名菜之一,象征着团团圆圆,也是我的拿手好菜和家人的最爱之一。自从父亲手把手教会我之后,每逢过年,我必亲自下厨为家人奉上这道美味佳肴。  我老家在湖南南大门郴州,毗邻广东,饮食习惯结合了湘菜和粤菜的特点,菜肴风味浓郁,制作精细而讲究。  其实,老家人根据它圆圆的外形,都习惯叫它圆子,“三香四喜”的前缀是我父亲给它特意加上的。“三香”是说圆子具有肉香、蛋香和面香,“四喜”
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鼻腔黑色素瘤是一种罕见的疾病,于1878年由Veunois首先报告,其后国内外文献屡有报告。我科自1977年至1983年共收住院治疗2例报告如下: Nasal melanoma is a rare disease t
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