航运市场:竞争日趋激烈 现今,香港航运市场已发展成为面向全球的国际航运中心。20年来,当国际经济萧条,世界各大港口陷于世界性航运危机而一片冷清之时,香港航运市场却是空前繁荣,迅猛发展。促进其发展的主要动力来自宽广的经济腹地——内地经济腾飞带来的机遇。内地自1979年实行改革开放政策以来,经香港转口的货运量剧增,直接带动了香港航运市场的迅速发展。自1980年至1996年,香港集装箱处理量由146万个标准箱猛增到1341万个标准箱,并自1992年从新加坡手中夺回“世界第一大集装箱港”桂冠后,已经
Shipping Market: Increasing Competition Nowadays, the shipping market in Hong Kong has developed into a global shipping center internationally. In the past 20 years, when the international economic recession and the world’s major ports were caught in the slightest desertification of the global shipping crisis, Hong Kong’s shipping market enjoyed unprecedented prosperity and rapid growth. The main driving force for its development comes from the vast economic hinterland - the opportunities brought by the economic take-off in the Mainland. Since the introduction of the policy of reform and opening up in 1979 in the Mainland, the rapid increase in the volume of re-exports via Hong Kong has directly contributed to the rapid development of the shipping market in Hong Kong. Since 1980-1996, the handling capacity of containers in Hong Kong soared from 1.46 million TEUs to 13.41 million TEUs. Since handling the title “World’s Largest Container Port” from Singapore in 1992,