
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sprinia
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腊梅,是我国古老、名贵、独特的观赏花木。它性喜阳光,耐早怕涝,喜肥怕风,发枝力强,于元旦前至春节后开花,赏花期特长。芳香凝重,高洁典雅,坚贞朴素,人人喜爱。但怎样让盆栽腊梅多开花、开好花呢?根据多年的培植经验,我认为应做好以下几方面的养护。一、适期修剪。素有“腊梅不缺枝”的谚语。在花谢后发叶前,结合造型,应较重地修剪一次。剪去枯枝、过密枝、交叉枝、内侧枝和病弱枝。将一年枝条留基部2~8对芽,剪除上部,促使发枝。在修剪时,应注意更换老枝,用一二年生枝干代替衰老枝干;若不及时进行更新,则花小而少,以后新枝每长出2-3对叶片之后,就进行摘心2-3次促使多生短壮枝,使株型匀称优美。在修剪摘心过程中,如株型某方位不需要伸枝时,应及时剥芽。4至6月份经常观察,做好修剪、摘心、抹芽工作,否则易抽生很多徒长枝,消耗养分,花芽难以形成。(腊梅枝条不宜过多)7月后,株形已定型,如再抽芽发枝,应及时进行摘除。 Lamei, is China’s ancient, luxury, unique ornamental flowers and trees. It is like hi sunshine, early fear of waterlogging, hi fat afraid of the wind, strong branches, before the New Year’s Day to Spring Festival flowering, flower viewing expertise. Fragrant, noble and elegant, honest and simple, everyone likes. However, how to make potted plants more bloom, good flowers? According to many years of experience in cultivation, I think we should do the following aspects of conservation. First, the appropriate cut. Known as “sweet plum not branch ” proverb. After the flower leaves before the Xie, with the shape, should be more pruning time. Cut off dead branches, dense branches, cross branches, medial branches and diseased branches. Leave the branches of the year 2-8 pairs of buds, cut off the upper part, to promote the branches. In pruning, attention should be paid to replace the old branches, with a two-year-old branches instead of aging branches; if not in time for the update, then spend small and small, after the new branches grow 2-3 pairs of leaves after the topping 2-3 Times to promote more students short strong branches, the well-proportioned graceful plant type. In the pruning of the topping process, such as a type of plant orientation does not need extension, should be stripped bud. From April to June often observed, do pruning, topping, wiping bud work, or easy to take a lot of students only buds, consumption of nutrients, flower buds difficult to form. (Lamei branches should not be too much) July, the plant has been stereotypes, such as sprouting buds should be promptly removed.