【摘 要】
Known as the densest visible object in the universe,neutron stars have many mysterious properties to be understood.From the external magnetic field through the
【机 构】
Department of Physics and Astronomy,Texas A&M University-Commerce,TX 75429-3011,USA
Known as the densest visible object in the universe,neutron stars have many mysterious properties to be understood.From the external magnetic field through the surface and crust to the core of neu-tron stars,there are many fundamental questions to be addressed[2,3].Thanks to the recent advances espe-cially in radio,X-ray and gravitational wave observations of both isolated neutron stars and their mergers,much progresses have been made in recent years in understand-ing the maximum mass,radius and tidal deformation of neutron stars.These global observables provided some of the much needed constraints on various theories about the equation of state,internal structure and composition of neutron stars.However,because of the scarcity of data available especially those from the un-distorted messen-gers directly from the interior of neutron stars and the model dependence of their interpretations,many myster-ies associated with neutron stars remain to be resolved.In fact,to understand the nature of neutron stars and dense neutron-rich matter has been a long-standing and shared goal of both astrophysics and nuclear physics communi-ties[4,5].
Exactly 20 years ago,today,I officially started the First International Conference on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy(LIBS),in Pisa,Italy.This event gather
摘 要:低年级学生的写话能力的培养,要借助于课内课外的阅读积累词句,让图画为想象搭建平台,老师的评改交流具体指导,给学生的写话创造展示机会,给他们树立写话自信,让学生把写话兴趣化为一种内驱力,真正乐于表达,并有话可写,为以后的习作打下一个良好的基础。 关键词:激发兴趣;词句积累;观图想象;具体指导;写话自信 小学低段写话是学生以后习作的启蒙,为了给以后的习作打下坚实的基础,老师要通过具体的指导
摘 要:新时期,信息技术与教育的融合力度在不断加强,在小学数学课程中融入信息技术的元素,可以使数学课堂的内容变得生动形象,有利于激发小学生学习数学的兴趣、增强小学生学习数学的自信心。信息技術与数学课程整合是数学教育发展的趋势和潮流。本文结合小学信息技术与数学课堂整合的教学策略进行研究,旨在促进小学数学教学质量提升。 关键词:信息技术;小学数学;整合策略 在新课标要求下,小学信息技术与数学课程的
摘 要:在小学语文教学中,要做好对阅读的教学。现阶段,一些新型的阅读教育手段已取得了良好的效果。特别是在互联网下,利用网络工具,学生不仅能有效地获取知识,而且能与教师实现云上互动。为使更多人了解互联网下小学语文阅读模式的创新,本文就此内容做简要探讨。 关键词:语文教学;互联网;小学语文 一、互联网背景下小学语文阅读教学模式创新的重要性 (一)单纯的课堂讲解,难以激发学生的兴趣 目前,小学语
In this short review we elaborate the significance of resummation in kT factorization theorem,and summarize the recent progresses in the calculations of the nex
摘 要:总复习中要以精讲为导向,对学生既要统一要求,又要顾及差异,正确处理好“培优辅差促中间”的关系。师生齐心,在学校领导的指导和学生家长的密切配合下,充分发挥学生潜力,全面反馈,切实提高学生的复习效率。 关键词:点面突破;突出重点;复习效率 复习课长期以来存在着以下问题:教师常以讲解作为教学的主要形式,不能调动学生学习的主动性;学生常以记忆作为学习的主要形式,缺乏学习的探究性;教师采用题海战