Superscalar communication: A runtime optimization for distributed applications

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:louisvu
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Building distributed applications is difficult mostly because of concurrency management. Existing approaches primarily include events and threads. Researchers and developers have been debating for decades to prove which is superior. Although the conclusion is far from obvious, this long debate clearly shows that neither of them is perfect. One of the problems is that they are both complex and error-prone. Both events and threads need the programmers to explicitly manage concurrencies, and we believe it is just the source of difficulties. In this paper, we propose a novel approach—superscalar communication, in which concurrencies are automatically managed by the runtime system. It dynamically analyzes the programs to discover potential concurrency opportunities; and it dynamically schedules the communication and the computation tasks, resulting in automatic concurrent execution. This approach is inspired by the idea of superscalar technology in modern microprocessors, which dynamically exploits instruction-level parallelism. However, hardware superscalar algorithms do not fit software in many aspects, thus we have to design a new scheme completely from scratch. Superscalar communication is a runtime extension with no modification to the language, compiler or byte code, so it is good at backward compatibility. Superscalar communication is likely to begin a brand new research area in systems software, which is characterized by dynamic optimization for networking programs. Researchers and developers have been debating for decades to prove which is superior from, this long duplicate clearly is that neither is it is this perfect. One of the problems is that Both are and complex need error-prone. Both this and the threads need the programmers to explicitly manage concurrencies, and we believe it is just the source of difficulties. In this paper, we propose a novel approach -superscalar communication, in which concurrencies are automatically managed by the runtime system. It dynamically analyzes the programs to discover potential concurrency opportunities; and it dynamically schedules the communication and the computation tasks, resulting in automatic concurrent execution. This approach is inspired by the idea of superscalar technology in modern microprocessors, which dynamicall However, hardware superscalar algorithms do not fit software in many aspects, thus we have to design a new scheme completely from scratch. Superscalar communication is a runtime extension with no modification to the language, compiler or byte code, so it is good at backward compatibility. Superscalar communication is likely to begin a brand new research area in systems software, which is characterized by dynamic optimization for networking programs.
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