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各区、县人民政府,番禺市人民政府,市府直属各单位:现将省人民政府《关于加强道路、水路货运市场管理若干问题的通知》(粤府[1992]175号)转发给你们。根据我市实际情况,提出以下几点意见,请一并贯彻执行。一、必须按照社会主义市场经济的要求放开运输市场。今后,除国家指令性运输计划由各级交通主管部门组织力量进行运输外,其他物资的运输实行市场调节,由承托双方通过货运交易市场进行交易,择优运输。二、在各主要港站和货源聚散点积极组建货运交易市场。道路方面,由市交通局负责;水路方面,广州港港区范围内由广州港务局负责,广州港港区外由市航运局负责。各区、县(市)可根据各自的实际情况进行试点.在抓好组建货运交易市场的同时,要积极创造条件组建全市性的道路、水路货运中心。三、全市各级交通、公安、工商、税务、物价等部门要密切配合,加强对货运市场的管理,取缔各种违法违章经营行为。广州市人民政府一九九三年五月三十一日 All districts and counties People’s Government, Panyu Municipal People’s Government and municipal government directly under the unit: Now the Provincial People’s Government, “on strengthening the road, waterway freight market management, a number of issues notice” (Yue House [1992] 175) forwarded to you. According to the actual situation in our city, put forward the following comments, please implement it together. First, we must liberalize the transport market in accordance with the requirements of a socialist market economy. In the future, except for the state mandatory transportation plan, which is organized by the competent transportation departments at all levels for transportation, the transportation of other materials shall be subject to market adjustment and the two parties shall trade through the freight trading market for the purpose of preferential transportation. Second, we should actively set up a freight trading market in all the major ports and sources. In terms of roads, it is the responsibility of the Municipal Bureau of Transportation; in terms of waterway, Guangzhou Port Authority is responsible for the Guangzhou Port Area and Guangzhou City Port Authority for Guangzhou Port. All districts and counties (cities) may conduct pilot projects according to their own actual conditions.While doing well in setting up the freight trading market, it is necessary to actively create the conditions for setting up the city-wide roads and waterway freight centers. Third, the city at all levels of traffic, public security, industry and commerce, taxation, price and other departments should work closely to strengthen the management of the freight market, ban all kinds of illegal business practices. Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government May 31, 1993