东土求索道开放 西天取经路难行——中国企业管理西学之路误区重重

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现代化的管理体系必须具有开放性,这种开放性是指要不断学习、借鉴国外的先进经验。但中国在西学路上走了不少弯路,从最初的一概否定到后来的盲目迷信、全盘照搬,我们为此付了不少学费,而其中最主要的问题就是水土不服。因此,对中国企业的管理者而言,如何在中国这片“土壤”上移植西方管理思想,是比“西方管理”本身更重要的问题。改革开放20多年来,中国企业在西学路上蹒跚学步,从一开始还不知何为管理时懵懂地、不知不觉地踏上管理路,到有意识地学习西方管理知识、培养管理人才,到自己亲身“试水”失败,到请“外援”帮忙,再到全面地吸收、引进、实践,向国际企业靠拢。短短二十几年的路,看起来好漫长,中国企业经历了太多的事情,沿着这条路,我们把中国企业管理西学中的问题和误区大致分为以下几类进行分析:一知半解型——懵懵懂懂踏上质量管理路照猫画虎型——披着“洋皮”的MBA自以为是型——出师未捷身先死盲目迷信型——洋咨询难解土问题水土不服型——淮南的橘与淮北的枳东施效颦型——在洋务运动中迷失自己 The modern management system must be open. This kind of openness means continuously learning and drawing on the advanced experience of other countries. However, China has taken a lot of detours on the Western Learning Road. From the initial denial to the blind blind superstition, it has been totally copied. We have to pay a lot of tuition for this purpose. The most important issue is acclimatization. Therefore, how to transplant western management ideas onto the “soil” of China is a more important issue for the managers of Chinese enterprises than “western management” itself. More than 20 years of reform and opening up, Chinese enterprises toddler on the Western Learning Road, from the very beginning did not know what to understand, unknowingly embark on the road of management, to consciously learn the Western management knowledge, training management personnel, to their own Personally “test the water” failed to please “foreign aid” to help, and then to fully absorb, introduce, practice, to move closer to international companies. In the short span of 20 years, the road looks long and long, and Chinese enterprises have experienced too many things. Along this road, we have roughly classified the problems and misunderstandings in Chinese business management western learning into the following categories: Type - 懵 懵 understand to embark on quality management Road cat picture tiger - dressed in “Western skin” of the MBA self-righteous type - avant-garde not ready to die blindly blindly superstitious - foreign consultants to solve soil problems acclimatized - Huainan Oranges and Citrus aurantii Hedong Shi effect type - in the Westernization Movement lost themselves
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